
AM/NS India Intranet


To create content for the intranet of ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel (AM/NS) India which would help in building unity, driving purpose, and creating a culture within the organization. To also share our design expertise with the intranet development team.



AM/NS India is a joint venture between two of the world's leading steel companies — ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel. The company didn't have a platform to communicate with their employees and wanted to build an intranet. The intranet needed to serve as a middle ground between the two companies and played a huge role in fostering a new company culture after the merger.


We produced content for the intranet such as a launch video and a newsletter. Our writers crafted news articles on company events, news reports, and employee stories. We updated the intranet regularly with recent and fresh content.

To help employees access information in the quickest way possible, we created sections on the intranet such as news, stories, leadership speaks, event calendar, blogs and more. We kept the language simple and global to reflect the company brand.

Additionally, to help AM/NS build a flexible and moderator-friendly intranet platform, we provided our design expertise to the intranet development team. Collaboratively, we ensured the design was formal yet approachable and easy to navigate.


The launch of the intranet was a huge success. The intranet content provided an outlet for leadership communication and saved time by providing employees relevant and concise company related information. We participated in design discussions to aid the intranet development team in creating a picturesque and dynamic intranet site with features such as 'like' and 'comment buttons' which provided an interactive user experience and increased engagement. The intranet has garnered more than two lakh views since the launch.

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