
75 Years of Mahindra Campaign


To create a year-long global campaign for Mahindra Group's 75th anniversary that highlights the Group's journey.



As one of Mahindra Group's biggest campaigns, #75YearsofMahindra had a huge reach of ~1.98 lakh employees and had to retain engagement from the employees throughout the year by creating 52 engaging stories for 52 weeks.


In order to highlight the Group's journey since its inception in 1945, we crafted weekly stories on a wide range of topics such as governance, ethics, culture, legacy, sustainability, corporate social responsibility and diversity & inclusion.

We centered our approach on drawing stories from the past that showed what the Group did to get where they are today. We wrote stories that highlighted the Group's resilience and excellence through the years. By incorporating pictures from the archives in our storytelling that dated as early as 1990s, we ignited pride amongst the employees and helped enunciate key messages for today and tomorrow.

Additionally, we also showcased inspiring stories of Mahindra Pride School's alumni and recipients of the Mahindra All Talent India Scholarship. We featured stories of stakeholders — customers, employees, dealers, distributors and suppliers and how Mahindra Group's products and services touched lives. By crafting unique stories on a wide range of topics, we were able to successfully create an impactful campaign to mark this historical milestone for the Group.


The campaign reached ~1.98 lakh employees, generated huge amount of engagement and built synergy across the Mahindra Group. The Group distributed these stories on multiple platforms including Mahindra's weekly newsletter, Echo, all of the Group's social media channels, Newsroom, intranet spotlight and sent it out as emailers.

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